March 2024, Haifa, Israel. Research Colloquium of the Philosophy Department. Talk: 'Unveiling the Nature of Philosophical Problems: Formal and Conceptual Aspects.'
September 2023, Belgrad, Serbia. 'EPSA 2023', Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Poster: 'On Boolean Inferential Methods for the Establishment of Constitutive-Mechanistic Models in the Cognitive and Biological Sciences.'
July 2023, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Research Workshop of the Institue of Advancved Studies. Talk: 'Computational Indeterminacy and Mental Causation'. With Oron Shagrir.
April 2023, Witten/Herdecke, Germany. Dialog Forum des Studium fundamentale. Talk: 'Wissenschaft, Demokratie und Verschwörung - von der Unterbestimmtheit wissenschaftlicher Theorien zur Legitimierung politischer Gewalt'.
November 2022, Berlin, Germany. Final Symposium of the GeSiMEx project. Talk: Generalizability and Simplicity in Boolean Inferential Methods for the Establishment of Constitutie-Mechanistic Models in the Cognitive and Biological Sciences.
September 2022, Witten/Herdecke, Germany. The International PPE Conference, Witten/Herdecke. Talk: 'Social Cohesion, Crisis, and Culture: What's causing What?'
August 2022, Berlin, Germany. 'GWP.2022', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Talk: 'Mechanistic Constitution as a Natural Law'.
July 2022, Jerusalem, Workgroup on Philosophy and Neuroscience, Edelstein Center, Hebrew University. Talk: 'An Algorithm for Boolean Constitutive Inference for Mechanisistc Explanation and Potential Measures of Simplicity'.
February 2021, Baltimore, USA. Virtual Poster Form, PSA 2020/21, Poster: 'Are the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the Akaike Criterion (AIC) Applicable in Determining the Optimal Fit and Simplicity of Mechanistic Models?'
January 2021, Hannover, Germany. Research Colloquium (organizer: M. Frisch). Talk: ‘Mechanistic Constitution as a Lawlike Relation‘.
June 2019, Strasburg, France. Workshop of the Neurex Network: 'Neuroeconomics: Studying Decision-Making in an Economic Context'. Talk: 'Social Neuroeconomics - the INSOSCI European project'.
January 2019, Göttingen, Germany. Talk: ‚Level-Hierarchien in den Kognitionswissenschaften und das mechanisch-komputationale Modell der Erklärung‘.
December 2018, Bergen, Norway. Talk (with Alexander Gebharter): ‘Constitutive relevance discovery without interventions: Boole meets Bayes’.
August 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, Talk: ‘Counterfactual Theories of Causation and the Problem of Large Causes’
October 2017, New York, USA. 'Society for the Metaphysics of Science Meeting 2017'. Presentation: 'Two Challenges for a Boolean Theory of Constitutive Inference.'
September 2017, Exeter, UK. 'EPSA 2017', Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Presentation: 'Two Challenges for a Boolean Theory of Constitutive Inference.'
July 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 'ISHPSSB ABFHiB 2017 Meeting'. Presentation: 'Two Challenges for a Boolean Theory of Constitutive Inference.'
June 2016, Warsaw, Poland: Mechanistic Integration and Unification in Cognitive Science. Presentation: 'A Theory of Constitutive Inference for the Regularity Account of Mechanistic
March 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany. 'GWP.2016', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Presentation:
'A Theory of Constitutive Inference for the Regularity Account of Mechanistic Constitution'.
September 2015, Düsseldorf, Germany: EPSA 2015, Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Science. Participation in Symposium 'Levels, Computation, and Causation in Cognitive
Neuroscience together with Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (Cologne), Marcin Miłkowski (Warsaw), Oron Shagrir (Jerusalem). Presentation: 'Level Distinctions and Methods for Constitutive Inference in Cognitive
September 2015, University of Osnabrück, Germany. 'GAP.9', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie. Presentation: 'Levels: Mechanistic and Computational'.
June 2015, University of Geneva Switzerland. Workshop on 'Ground in Biology', organized by Lorenzo Casini and Marcel Weber. Presentation: 'Is Mechanistic Constitution a Version of Material
April 2015, Rutgers University, New Brunswich, NJ. Workshop: 'Scientific Composition and Metaphysical Ground' organized by Kenneth Aizawa and Carl Gillett. Presentation: 'Is Regularity Constitution a
Version of Material Constitution?'
December 2014, Witten/Herdecke University, Conference: Money, Credit and Banking: The Austrian Economics Perspective on Financial Crises (organized by theWitten Institute of Institutional Change).
Presentation: 'Rational Choice Theory Between Causation and Explanation'.
November 2014, KU Leuven, Belgium. Workshop on Mental Causation (organized by Markus Eronen and Stefaan Cuypers).
May 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Workshop: Functions in the Mind and Brain Mechanisms (organized by J. Zielasek, G. Vosgerau, L. Galushko, O. Graf, P. Soom). Presentation: ‚Levels: Computational and
March 2014, University of Missouri St. Louis, USA: Philosophy & Neuroscience Colloquium. Presentation: 'Computational Levels and Levels of Mechanism'.
December 2013 Jerusalem, Israel: Research Colloquium Cognitive Science. Presentation: 'Constitutive Inference in Mechanistic Explanations'.
September 2013 Cologne, Germany: Conference on Levels in Cognitive Science (organizers: Vera Hoffmann-Kolss, Oron Shagrir, Jens Harbecke). Presentation: 'Computational Levels and Levels of
August 2013 Helsinki, Finland: EPSA 2013, Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Science. Presentation: 'Regularity Constitution and the Location of Levels'.
July 2013 Exeter, UK: The Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association Joint Session. Presentation: 'Regularity Constitution and the Location of Levels'.
July 2013 Lausanne, Switzerland: Workshop on 'Embodied Cognition and its Metaphysics' (organizers: Christian Sachse, Markus Wild, Rebekka Hufendiek); Commentary on Carl Gillett: 'Understanding Levels
in the Sciences: Composing Individuals, Properties, Powers and Processes'.
June 2013 Zürich, Switzerland: Graduate Workshop on Mechanistic Constitution.
May 2013 Jerusalem, Israel. International Research Group 'Computation and The Brain' Meeting. Presentation: 'Computational Levels and Levels of Mechanism'.
March 2013 Hannover, Germany. 'GWP.2013', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Presentation: 'What is the relation between the regularity theory of mechanistic constitution
and Gillett's dimensioned realization?'.
February 2013 Ramat Gan, Israel (Bar Ilan University). Annual Israeli Philosophy Association Conference. Presentation: 'What is the relation between the regularity theory of mechanistic constitution
and Gillett's dimensioned realization?'.
September 2012 Konstanz, Germany. 'GAP.8', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie. Presentation: 'Two Regularity Theories of Mechanistic Constitution'.
July 2012 Stirling, UK. The Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association Joint Session. Presentation: 'Two Regularity Theories of Mechanistic Constitution'.
July 2012 Bielefeld, Germany. Biolosophy seminar series. Presentation: 'Mechanistic Constitution and the Location of Levels'.
May 2012 Zürich, Switzerland. Symposium of the Swiss Socienty for Philosophy. Presentation. 'Two Theories of Mechanistic Constitution'.
March 2012 Bielefeld, Germany. Workshop: 'Agents as Causes'. Poster: 'Counterfactual Causation and Mental Causation'.
November 2011 Bern, Switzerland. Workshop: 'Causality and Mechanisms in Philosophy of Science'. Presentation: 'Regularity Constitution and the Location of Levels'.
September 2011 Munich, Germany. XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 'Welt der Gründe'. Presentation: ‚Mechanistische Erklärungen und konstitutionelles Schließen in der Neurobiologie’.
July 2011 Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Germany. Conference: 'Levels and Causation in Neuroscience'. Presentation: 'Regularity Constitution and the Location of Levels'.
September 2010 Konstanz, Germany. Conference: 'Actual Causation'. Presentation: 'Regularities, Counterfactuals, and Causation'.
July 2010 Dublin, Ireland. The Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association Joint Session. Presentation: 'How Causal are Mental Counterfactuals?'.
November 2009 Tel Aviv, Israel. Research Seminar of the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas. Presentation: 'Constitutional Explanations in Neurobiology'.
September 2009 Bremen, Germany: 'GAP.7', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie. Presentation: 'Levels of Mechanism in Neurobiological Explanations'
July 2009 Freiburg, Germany. Theory Colloquium of the IGPP, Freiburg. Presentation: 'Levels of Mechanism in Neurobiological Explanations'.
May 2009 Osnabrück, Germany: Colloquium Institute of Cognitive Science Osnabrück. Presentation: 'Levels of Mechanism in Neuroscientific Explanations'.
December 2008 Lausanne, Switzerland: 'Explanation in Neuroscience', Workshop with Carl Craver. Presentation: 'The compositional structure of neuroscientific explanations'.
February 2008 Friburg, Switzerland. Research Colloquium Department of Philosophy. Presentation: 'Overdetermation and the Varieties of Causality'
November 2007 Madrid, Spain. Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Science. Presentation: 'Conservative and Eliminative Reduction – Exploring the Spectrum'.
April 2007 Bern, Switzerland. Research Colloquium of the Institute for History and Philosophy of Science (WTWG). Presentation: 'Was ist eine hinreichende Bedingung für eine psychophysische
September 2006 Berlin, Germany. 'GAP.6', Conference of the Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie. Presentation: 'Determination – a new perspective on the mind-body problem?'.
January 2006 Bonn, Germany. Research Seminar Department of Philosophy. Presentation: 'Die 5. Prämisse des kausalen Arguments'.
October 2005 Tübingen, Germany. Conference: 'Mental Causation and Externalism', organizers: Albert Newen und Vera Hoffmann. Commentary on David Papineau 'Is Consciousness Explanatory?'.
September 2005 Berlin, Germany. XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 'Kreativität'. Presentation: ‚Identität, Reduktion und das kausale Argument’.
June 2005 Lausanne, Switzerland. Workshop: 'Biological Causation', organizers: Michael Esfeld (Lausanne), Bernadino Fantini (Geneva). Presentation: 'A realist approach to biological events'.